Ziolkowska, J.R.; Fiebrich, C.A.; Carlson, J.D.; Melvin, A.D.; Sutherland, A.J.; Kloesel, K.; McManus, G.D.; Illston, B.G.; Hocker, J.E.; Reyes, R. (2017): Benefits and Beneficiaries of the Oklahoma Mesonet – A Multisectoral Ripple Effect Analysis. Weather, Climate and Society 9(3): 499-519
Ziolkowska, J.R.; Reyes, R. (2017): Groundwater Level Changes due to Extreme Weather – An Evaluation Tool for Sustainable Water Management. Water 9(2): 117 Supplemental Information & Model (Google Earth)
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2017): Profitability of Irrigation and Value of Water in Oklahoma and Texas agriculture. International Journal of Water Resources Development. DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2017.1353410
Ziolkowska, J.R.; Peterson, J.M. (eds.) (2016): Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe. Elsevier: Cambridge, MA - Purchase Text Book
Ziolkowska, J.R.; Reyes, R. (2016): Prospects for Desalination in the US – Experiences from California, Florida and Texas. p. 298-316. In: Ziolkowska, J.R.; Peterson, J.M. (eds.): Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe. Elsevier; Cambridge, MA
Ziolkowski, B.; Ziolkowska, J.R. (2016): Product, Process and Organizational Innovations in Water Management. p. 403-422. In: Ziolkowska, J.R.; Peterson, J.M. (eds.): Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe. Elsevier; Cambridge, MA
Ziolkowska, J.R., Reyes, R. (2016): Geospatial Analysis of Desalination in the US - An Interactive Tool for Socio-Economic Evaluations and Decision Support. Applied Geography 71: 115-122
Ziolkowska, J.R.; Reyes, R. (2016): Geological and Hydrological Visualization Models for Digital Earth Representation. Computers & Geosciences 94: 31-39
Ziolkowska, J.R.; Ziolkowski, B. (2016): Effectiveness of Water Management in Europe in the 21st Century. Water Resources Management 30: 2261-2274
Ziolkowska, J.R.; Reyes, R. (2016): Impact of Socio-Economic Growth on Desalination in the US. Journal of Environmental Management 167: 15-22
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2016): Desalination Leaders in the Global Market – Current Trends and Future Perspectives. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 16(3): 563-578
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2016): Socio-Economic Implications of Drought in the Agricultural Sector and the State Economy. Economies 4(19): 1-11
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2015): Is Desalination Affordable? – Regional Cost and Price Analysis. Water Resources Management 29(5):1385-1397
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2015): Shadow Price of Water for Irrigation – A Case of the High Plains. Agricultural Water Management 153: 20-31
Ziolkowska, J.R.; Ziolkowski, B. (2015): Energy Efficiency in the Transport Sector in the EU-27: Dynamic Dematerialization Analysis. Energy Economics 51: 21-30
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2014): Prospective Technologies, Feedstocks and Market Innovations for Ethanol and Biodiesel Production in the US. Biotechnology Reports 4: 94-98
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2014): Optimizing Biofuels Production in an Uncertain Decision Environment: Conventional vs. Advanced Technologies. Applied Energy 114: 366-376
Ziolkowska, J.R., Simon, L. (2014): Recent Developments and Prospects for Algae-Based Fuels in the US. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 29: 847-853
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2013): Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Evaluations in Complex Decision Systems. How to Deal with Uncertainties in Biofuels Policies – Sustainability Study for Biofuels Feedstocks in the US. Shaker Publisher: Aachen - Purchase Text Book
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2013): Evaluating Sustainability of Biofuels Feedstocks: A Multi-Objective Framework for Supporting Decision Making. Biomass & Bioenergy 59: 425-440
Ziolkowska, J.R., Ziolkowski, B. (2011): Product Generational Dematerialization Indicator: A Case of Crude Oil in the Global Economy. Energy (Elsevier Journal) 36: 5925-5934
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2011): Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Framework for Supporting Biofuels Policy Making. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology 59: 341-345
Ziolkowska, J.; Simon, L. (2011): Biomass Ethanol Production Faces Challenges. ARE Update 14(6): 5-8
Ziolkowska, J.; Simon, L. (2011): Environmental Implications of Biofuels – Theoretical and Empirical Analysis for the EU and US. Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 90(2): 177-181
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Ziolkowska, J.; Simon, L. (2010): Environmental Benefits, Challenges and Valuation of Biofuels Policy. Journal of Biofuels 1(1): 57-66
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Chauhan, B. S.; Kumar, N.; Jun, Y.-J.; Ziolkowska, J. (2010): Feasibility Study of Vegetable Oil as a Potential Fuel for Diesel Engine. Proceeding of the Conference of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers. Kongju National University, Cheonan: 65-70
Ziolkowska, J.; Simon, L. (2009): Environmental Benefits, Challenges and Valuation of Biofuels Policy. In: Sharma, P.B.; Kumar, N. (eds.): New Frontiers in Biofuels. Scitech Publications (India) PVT. Ltd.: Chennai: 162-173
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2017): Economic and Environmental Costs of Agricultural Food Losses and Waste in the US. International Journal of Food Engineering 3(2): 140-145
Meyers, W.H.; Ziolkowska, J.R. (2013): Biofuels and Agricultural Markets. In: Segre', A.; Vittuari, M. (eds.): Il libro verde dello spreco in Italia: l'energia (The Green Book on Energy Waste in Italy). Edizioni Ambiente: Milano: 54-68
Meyers, W.H.; Ziolkowska, J.R. (2012): The CAP from a Global Agriculture Perspective. In: Kowalski, A.; Wigier, M.; Dudek, M. (eds.): Proposals for CAP 2013+ and Competitiveness of Food Sector and Rural Areas. Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics: Warsaw, p. 27-37
Meyers, W.H.; Ziolkowska, J.R.; Tothova, M.; Goychuk, K. (2012): Issues Affecting the Future of Agriculture and Food Security for Europe and Central Asia. UN FAO Policy Studies on Rural Transition 2012-3, pp. 173
Ziolkowska, J. (2007): Agro-Environmental Policy in Poland after the Accession to the European Union: Evaluation and Design Approaches and Case Study for the Region Subcarpathia. Shaker Publisher: Aachen (in German) - Purchase Text Book
Ziolkowska, J. (2010): Implications of Structural Policies on the Wheat Market – Comparative Static and Dynamic Analysis for the EU and US. Journal of Agricultural Research and Development 9(2): 97-115
Ziolkowska, J. (2010): Impact of Environmental Objectives on Optimal Budget Allocation for Agri-Environmental Measures – A Case Study for Poland. Agricultural Economics Research Review 23 (July-December 2010): 233-244
Ziolkowska, J. (2009): Environmental Benefit, Side Effects, and Objective-Oriented Financing of Agri-Environmental Measures. International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research 2(1): 71-88
Ziolkowska, J. (2009): Importance of Regional Preferences for Decision-Making in Agri-Environmental Policy. Journal of Rural Development 28 (2): 185-198
Ziolkowska, J.; Jechlitschka, K.; Kirschke, D. (2009): Global Implications of National Price Policies on the Wheat Market – Quantitative Assessment of World Market Effects. Agricultural Economics – Czech (Zemìdìlská ekonomika) 55(10): 475-480
Ziolkowska, J. (2009): Modelling and Financing of Agri-Environmental Measures: Assessment of Regional Preferences in Poland. Economics and Applied Informatics 15: 259-266
Ziolkowska, J. (2009): Economic Challenges and Ecological Effectiveness of Agri-Environmental Measures in Poland. Ecology and Future 8(3): 3-8
Ziolkowska, J. (2009): Environmental Indicators for Rural Areas – Sustainable Potential in the New and Old EU Member States. Annals of the University of Petrosani – Economics 9(2): 335-346
Ziolkowska, J. (2008): Evaluation of Agri-Environmental Measures: Analytic Hierarchy Process and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Political Decision-Making Support. International Journal of Rural Management 4(1-2): 1-24
Ziolkowska, J. (2008): Designing Agri-Environmental Measures for Maximal Environmental Benefit: Linear Programming Approach for Poland. Economics and Rural Development 4(2): 35-44
Ziolkowska, J. (2008): National Agri-Environmental Programme 2004-2006 for Poland: Evaluation by Agricultural Experts, Agri-Environmental Advisors and Farmers. Economics and Rural Development 3 (2): 37-42
Ziolkowska, J. (2009): Hierarchical Network Modelling and Multicriteria Analysis for Agri-Environmental Measures in Poland. In: Schaft, F.; Balmann, A. (eds.): Multi-level Processes of Integration and Disintegration. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe 52: 168-178
Ziolkowska, J. (2008): Identifying Effective Financing Strategies for Agri-Environmental Measures and Conflicts between Environmental Objectives. In: Tsounis, N. et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Economics 2008. TEI of Western Macedonia Press: 953-958
Ziolkowska, J. (2008): Agri-Environmental Measures in Poland after the Accession to the European Union – Chances, Challenges and Objective-Oriented Financing from a Regional Perspective. In: Schäfer, C., Rupschus, C.; Nagel, U.-J. (eds.): Enhancing the Capacities of Agricultural Systems and Producers. Weikersheim, Margraf Publishers: 308-314
Ziolkowski, B., Ziolkowska, J. (2014): Effectitions – A New Trend in Sustainable Innovations. International Journal of Business and Management Studies 3(3): 473-479
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Ziolkowska, J.; Ziolkowski, B. (2008): Eco-Innovations in Europe – State and Development Prospects. International Journal of Management Practice 3(1): 20-30
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Ziolkowska, J. (2009): Environmental Indicators for Rural Areas – Sustainable Potential in the New and Old EU Member States. Annals of the University of Petrosani – Economics 9(2): 335-346
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2013): Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Evaluations in Complex Decision Systems. How to Deal with Uncertainties in Biofuels Policies – Sustainability Study for Biofuels Feedstocks in the US. Shaker Publisher: Aachen
Ziolkowska, J.R. (2013): Evaluating Sustainability of Biofuels Feedstocks: A Multi-Objective Framework for Supporting Decision Making. Biomass & Bioenergy 59: 425-440
Ziolkowska, J.R.; Meyers, W.H. (2012): Sustainable Development Strategies for Future Societies - Patterns, Policies and Challenges for the Agricultural Sector in the EU and US. In: Lapka, M.; Cudlínova, E. (eds.): Towards an Environmental Society? Concepts, Policies, Outcomes. Karolinum Press: Praha, p. 133-153
Mu, J.; Ziolkowska, J.R.: Evaluating Sustainability in the Rio Grande River Basin with an Ecological Footprint Analysis. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 30-August 1, 2017
Mu, J.; Ziolkowska, J.R.: Willingness to Pay for Water Ecosystem Services in the Rio Grande Basin. Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association, Washington DC, June 11-14, 2017
Ziolkowska, JR., Reyes, R. Desalination Technology in the US – Potentials for Economic Growth and Sustainable Water Supply. International Water Resources Association, XVI World Water Congress, Cancun, Mexico, May 28-June 2, 2017
Ziolkowska, JR., Reyes, R. Desalination for Mitigating Water Shortages – An Interactive Computer Tool for Decision-Making Support. AWWA Sustainable Water Management Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 19-22, 2017
Ziolkowska, JR. Economic and Environmental Costs of Agricultural Food Losses and Waste in the US. 2017 3rd International Conference on Food and Environmental Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam, February 25-27, 2017
Ziolkowska, JR. Importance of Mesonet Weather Information for Agricultural Production in Oklahoma. Southern Agricultural Economists Association, Mobile, AL, February 4-7, 2017
Ziolkowska, JR., Reyes, R.: Short- and Long-Term Implications of Drought – Experiences from the US. Western Economic Association International, Santiago, Chile, January, 3-6, 2017
Hinchliffe, M., Ziolkowska, JR.: Towards an Integrated Water Resource Management in the Rio Grande River Basin – An Example of Water Rates in El Paso, TX. Poster presented at 2015 SWAAG Annual Meeting, Denton, TX, October, 19-21, 2016
Ziolkowska, JR.; Reyes, R.: Groundwater and Soil Moisture – Indicators and Predictors of Long-Term Drought in Oklahoma. 37th Oklahoma Governors Water Conference and Research Symposium, Norman, OK, October, 11-12, 2016
Ziolkowska, JR., Reyes, R.: Groundwater Level Changes due to Extreme Weather - An Evaluation Tool for Sustainable Water Management. International Water Association Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, June 9-11, 2016
Ziolkowska, JR. Modeling Sustainable Water Resource Management in the Rio Grande River Basin. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, West Palm Beach, FL, May 23-27, 2016
Ziolkowska, JR., Reyes, R.: Water Shortage and Socio-Economic Implications - Uncertainty and Potential Water Supply Alternatives. AWRA (American Water Resources Association), Anchorage, AK, April, 25-27, 2016
Ziolkowska, JR., Reyes, R.: Current and Anticipated Water Scarcity - An Interactive 4D Geospatial Visualization Model for Oklahoma and Texas. AWRA (American Water Resources Association), Denver, CO, November, 16-19, 2015
Ziolkowska, JR., Reyes, R.: Desalination – A Prospective Technology for Sustainable Water Management. CANUSSEE (Canada & United States Societies for Ecological Economics Conference), Vancouver, Canada, October, 1-4, 2015
Ziolkowska, JR.: Socio-Economic Impacts of Drought and Approaches for Mitigating Water Scarcity. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Austin, TX, May, 17-21, 2015
Ziolkowska, JR.: Economic Value of Water for Irrigation in the High Plains. National Added-Value Agriculture Conference, Austin, TX, May, 18-20, 2015
Hinchliffe, M., Ziolkowska, J. Possibilities for Integrated Water Resource Management in the Rio Grande River Basin – A Socio-Economic Analysis. Poster presented at 2015 SWAAG Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November, 4-7, 2015
Zubillaga, J., Ziolkowska, JR.: Value of Environmental Monitoring Information in Oklahoma Agriculture: A Research Perspective. Poster presented at 2015 SWAAG Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November, 4-7, 2015
Ederer, M., Ziolkowska, JR.: Impact of Drought on Agricultural Production in Oklahoma. Poster presented at 2015 SWAAG Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November, 4-7, 2015
Ziolkowska, JR.; Reyes, R. Groundwater Shortage as a Result of Drought in Oklahoma and Potential Socio-Economic Implications. 36th Oklahoma Governors Water Conference and Research Symposium, Norman, OK, December, 2, 2015
Ziolkowska, JR.; Meyers, W., Marrs, E. Economic and Environmental Costs of Food Losses and Waste: Examples from the US. International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Milan, Italy, August, 8-14, 2015
Ziolkowska, JR.: US Analysis of Food and Environment Competition Relative to Water Resources. XIVth Congress of the EAAE, Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 26-29, 2014
Ziolkowska, JR.: Evaluating the Shadow Price of Water for Irrigation – A Case of the High Plains. 2014 AAEA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, July 27-29, 2014
Ziolkowski, B.; Ziolkowska, JR.: Effectitions – A New Trend in Sustainable Innovation. International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Vienna, Austria, April 6-10, 2014
Ziolkowska, JR. et al.: Economic Implications of Agricultural Drought on the Texas Economy. AEA/ASSA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, January 2-6, 2014
Ziolkowska, JR.: Desalination – Prospective Technology for Mitigating Water Scarcity. Big 12 Water Conference, Lawrance, KS, November 17-18, 2014